As we move forward with the transition to the new website, this is a test.
Sumner-Fredericksburg will be switching websites and Android/iOS apps next week. Look on Facebook/Twitter, and the district website for upcoming information to download the latest and best version of the app.
Go Cougars!!!
This is a test alert for the new website we are testing. 😀
Thanks to everyone that came out to support the S-F Middle School Chicken Dinner
Come out April 1st @ 6:30 and Saturday, April 2nd @ 5:00 and watch the Middle School Production of The Descendants. Tickets online or at the office
Tickets online can be purchased at
Have a Great Spring Break
Go Cougars!!
A reminder that Middle School Track Practices will begin on April 4th.
Go Cougars
Just a reminder that S-F does not have school on Friday, March 18 or Monday, March 21.
Sumner-Fredericksburg is proud to announce the upcoming changes for the school website and iOS and Android App. More Information will be coming next week.
Go Cougars
DRIVER'S EDUCATION: Applications are available in the S-FMS and S-FHS offices for students wanting to take this course in June. Applications and deposits are due by April 1 for guaranteed enrollment.
Use this link to get your new Sumner-Fredericksburg gear and help support our Cougars:
Welcome to the New Sumner-Fredericksburg Website with Social Media Integration. While the site is fully functional, we will be making improvements and changes through the coming weeks. Go Cougars!!!